quarantine | day 44-64

Daily documentation of our quarantine in photos. There were lots of hard days, some made better by spending time with the dogs, climbing trees, riding bikes and big wheels, slip ‘n sliding, the discovery of secret beaches, and batting practice with the pitching machine at the park. These weeks my frustration levels reached an all time high. Frustrated with my kids school and lack of support for working parents, sad for our kids who get so little time with their amazing teachers and their friends, and tired of this overwhelming sense of having to shoulder all of it.

“Just because I carry it well, does not mean it’s not heavy” - author unknown

On day 53 my 6 year old flat out refused to do school. I finally managed to coax him outside to do his sight words with sidewalk chalk on the driveway and eventually noticed what he had written on the edge -


To his credit he used excellent handwriting and even added punctuation. I hear you Leo, and I feel it too. All of it. At least his teachers got a got chuckle out of it.

Eventually the clippers I ordered arrived so Grandma cut her own hair without help from me, just all in, no hesitation, just like her. Meanwhile I watched and meticulously studied YouTube video after YouTube video on how to cut the boys hair. Results of all that planning? One haircut turned out pretty good, while the other one ended up considerably worse. I think we all know who the wiggle worm was who ended up with the bad bowl cut. May Day looked a little different this year. Our annual tradition that was passed down from my family, of making flower bouquets from flowers found in the garden, still took place but the kids delivered the bouquets wearing gloves. They still had a grand time ringing doorbells and running away, and I was left feeling grateful for these traditions and the semblance of normal. Then there was mother’s day where my mom worked with Viggo to make me the most beautiful shibori-dyed silk scarf leaving me feeling appreciated and so very thankful.